About Me

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Stockport, United Kingdom
Spud is obsessed with all things wheeled, both with an without engine's. 2006 Open class uk champion at Boardercross racing mountain boards, his knee's have since given up and he spends more time on his bikes both with and without engines.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Bit of progress

Managed to get a bit done over the bank holiday weekend, the tubing hasn't appeared yet due to technological cock up, I sent a text which definitely sent and definitely didn't arrive.
First up was helping Craig D get the engine out of his Vento, it took longer than planned but we won in the end, RESULT.
Next up was starting to make a new rear Light/indicator/number plate bracket for the new monkey light, I'd already done some prep and had a card template cut out with some markings on for sizes and where to drill holes to fit the light. The indicators haven't arrived yet so completion will have to wait until then, its easier to drill holes in a flat plate.

Finally got the tank pretty much finished 

 Unwanted side tabs chopped off 

 Original tap mounting point chopped of and patch welded in 

Braised over the patched area once I'd ground it back just to make sure it was all properly sealed, then braised on a strengthening plate for re mounting the tap tube that I've re attached with braise again.

Tunnel heated and beaten to get rid of the cable recess so it will sit low enough on the frame

Also made up a little wooden stand to lift the bike up off the ground and its on a little dolly so it can be moved about easily. Front wheel is off and all the fork bolts loosened ready for removing from the bike so I can do the fork seals.



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