About Me

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Stockport, United Kingdom
Spud is obsessed with all things wheeled, both with an without engine's. 2006 Open class uk champion at Boardercross racing mountain boards, his knee's have since given up and he spends more time on his bikes both with and without engines.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Finally - the wait is over

Well this is a picture I've been waiting a long time to post. My garage with a finished roof and two lockable doors.
My life for the last couple of weekends has pretty much revolved around getting the steel side door sorted out.
Its skinned with a 2mm steel plate and it took me and a mate to put it back on the hinges (cheers H)

Now comes the hard part, getting the electrics sorted and signed off, and getting my bloody builder to come and sort the mistakes and blemishes in the floor. Oh and trying to stop myself filling it before all this is done as I really need to get the floor painted.

And the door (and frame) that's taken me so long to make. It might have come together a bit quicker if I had better facilities to hand but hey ho that's what I'm heading towards. And considering this is my first proper welding project I'm pretty pleased with the results.

I still have to finish the lock properly but I can lock it from the inside and come out the big door which is fine for now.