What blew me away the most, was that literally every bike there was awesome and would of been happy to have it in my garage. The bikes in the bike show were all really cool and it was amazing to see Toddys Triumph in the flesh, (what an immaculate work of art) but even a walk around the camping field had me reaching for my camera at every other step.
The cars totally blew me away too, all shapes and sizes but every one of them an awesome vehicle I would of been happy to take home. The size of some of those cars in real life is just mental, they are absolutely huge and must be real pain in the ass to manoeuvre around on out british roads.
Add to that the skateboarding, superb atmosphere, great merch stalls, a free copy of the new issue of Dice, two great nights of bands, reasonable beer prices, and the sun cracking the flags all weekend long it was an great event, and one that I'll be heading to next year for sure if I can.